Friday 27 June 2014

Nak dekat daaaah~~

Salam and hye sume...lme da mai x posting posting over skang ni tgh dkat negeri sembilan..I'm at my lovely hometown!!! Mmg otak rse sgt tilek right now..aritu bru je lpas final..urgh...aritu da I'm just gonna pray and hope god see my courage for skang ni ngah prepare for the upcoming RAMADHAN and let us do not forget the HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI guys!! haha..hope korg sume dpt celebrate bln pose and raye yg far more better than last year...okay that is it for now..bru je stat nk tulis blog blek xkn nk pepnjg kan?hha..xde spe lrt nk bce..huhui..abubye!!

Tuesday 28 January 2014


salam and hello to all viewers... mmg da lame sgt da x ber'blog' ngan u olz sume..huhu..even blog aku xdela femes sgt like all other blog, but it gives me enough satisfaction to continue writing..hee

ok, macam yang korg sume nmpk kt ats tu ade tulis entry for today right? so today's entry is 'holiday'!!!
knape holiday?sbb aku skang ni mmg tgh holiday selame one whole month after that disasterous six month kt uni aku tu...huh..even tgh holiday pon, aku senanye tgh risau pasal result aku...aku mmg dpt feeling la yg result aku drop kn this semester.. tpi pape pon aku akn enjoy abes2 holiday ni sbb lpas abes je holiday sebulan ni aku akn pegi balek berperang...huh..

so skng ni mmg tgh mood holiday sesgt, so aku akn bgi sikit tips ape yg sgt enjoy and fun to do in holiday...


  1. empty your brain (but not to empty ok, leave a bit of useful info for urself.. :) )
  2. on the first week, u guys should do nothing!! (really! just do nothing...)
  3. hanging out with old friends or current friends, spend some money for good stuff..(a clue, ask your parents some money to fully enjoy)
so ni jela tips yg mmg aku gne bile aku ade cuti panjang...hahah..mmg nmpk mcm nothing, tpi trust me on this guys, kalo buat bebetol mmg nmpk effect 'fun'nye tu..huhu..

don't let yourself too stress over something, just enjoy life while you can, but don't over enjoy till you drop okay?