Sunday 2 August 2015

budak baru

salam and hye guyz,

bile skali da post dlu tu mmg akn take berabad lamenye la for me to rajinkn diri nk nulis yg bru kann~

hewhew... skang ni da zaman hipzterz~ me xdela hipzteria sgt chu olz.. so nk post hape pn xtau nk say what la kn..

Mesti chu olz pelik sbb tiibe je ber hipzterz..alkisah nye~ mgg lpas my friend's jumpe balek la crew2 matrik yang gilos kebebeh tu..tibe ntah cane dpt plak topik hipzterz. Sampaikn kipas masjid putrajaya tupon aku hipzterzkn..

Nyway, mmg best sgt bile reunion yg x dirancang ni..sbb bile rncg msti ade je yg x dpt join, patu sesnsorg tarik diri.. alsn x best la segan la pe sume..act betul gak tu..kan~😆

Hmm so bile tgk kwn kawen tu..bru la seda yang aku ni da x mude pong... da bangke da pn..hahah...jelly much dkat membe aku tu. Dala love story mcm novel chuolz...haih.. rezeki die la tu kn?

Orait..tujekot..xde bende hipzter da nk ckp..
Haah..hipster la sgt kan..

Mak umbrella gamba skiiit~

Friday 3 April 2015

I'm Back Baby!!

salam and hye guys!! beghabad lmenye x ngepost kt cni..bukan ape kn.. i am soo busy these days! mcm nk stress pn ade jgak.. dgn project final lg, crik tmpt nk praktikal lg.. haih..

tnye membe laen pasal tmpt praktikal sume ckp nk amek dkat dgn umah.. mmg la sronok.. sronok for them la kn..but for me? if you guys should know, my hometown tu xdela mewah sgt u olls.. even nk criik keje part time pn susa kt situ..inikn plak nk crik keje course aku ni ha..memang tak la kn nk ade kt situ...bukan memandang rendah, but.. it is the truth..

kirenye kalo aku nk crik keje aku x bole la nk berulang dri umah TERCINTA aku... :'(
but, papepn skang ni mmg kne fokus to success la kn.. x bole nk dudok je menung mengenang naseb

mai percaye yang Allah akan membantu mai mencari jln penyelesaiannya.. lgpn Dia tidak akan membebani hambanya jika seseorang itu tidak boleh menanggungnya kan? hahaha..mai ni xdela bijak sgt berbicara bab2 hal ehwal islam ni..tpi insyaAllah ...

so..that's how my life been this days.. stress, work, dilemma, and maybe a bit of happy moments..

not everything is bad in this world right?

hmmm... ape lg... 

xde da!!! itu je...


Friday 27 June 2014

Nak dekat daaaah~~

Salam and hye sume...lme da mai x posting posting over skang ni tgh dkat negeri sembilan..I'm at my lovely hometown!!! Mmg otak rse sgt tilek right now..aritu bru je lpas final..urgh...aritu da I'm just gonna pray and hope god see my courage for skang ni ngah prepare for the upcoming RAMADHAN and let us do not forget the HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI guys!! haha..hope korg sume dpt celebrate bln pose and raye yg far more better than last year...okay that is it for now..bru je stat nk tulis blog blek xkn nk pepnjg kan?hha..xde spe lrt nk bce..huhui..abubye!!

Tuesday 28 January 2014


salam and hello to all viewers... mmg da lame sgt da x ber'blog' ngan u olz sume..huhu..even blog aku xdela femes sgt like all other blog, but it gives me enough satisfaction to continue writing..hee

ok, macam yang korg sume nmpk kt ats tu ade tulis entry for today right? so today's entry is 'holiday'!!!
knape holiday?sbb aku skang ni mmg tgh holiday selame one whole month after that disasterous six month kt uni aku tu...huh..even tgh holiday pon, aku senanye tgh risau pasal result aku...aku mmg dpt feeling la yg result aku drop kn this semester.. tpi pape pon aku akn enjoy abes2 holiday ni sbb lpas abes je holiday sebulan ni aku akn pegi balek berperang...huh..

so skng ni mmg tgh mood holiday sesgt, so aku akn bgi sikit tips ape yg sgt enjoy and fun to do in holiday...


  1. empty your brain (but not to empty ok, leave a bit of useful info for urself.. :) )
  2. on the first week, u guys should do nothing!! (really! just do nothing...)
  3. hanging out with old friends or current friends, spend some money for good stuff..(a clue, ask your parents some money to fully enjoy)
so ni jela tips yg mmg aku gne bile aku ade cuti panjang...hahah..mmg nmpk mcm nothing, tpi trust me on this guys, kalo buat bebetol mmg nmpk effect 'fun'nye tu..huhu..

don't let yourself too stress over something, just enjoy life while you can, but don't over enjoy till you drop okay?


Friday 13 September 2013


Salam and hello to all. Sorry for not visiting and posting for so long. I was just bz with stuff. Haha.. entry today is LOSER!! I'm sure all of you is pretty clear with what it means right? If someone said it to me, I will choked the person!!!!! But thankfully it is not said to me. It was to my dear friend. Who said it to her? Herself!! This is what annoyed me the most. Calling yourself a LOSER. If you are a loser, how come you'd know the word loser? Please people, I'm truly begging you guys not to other people  and specially yourself a loser...appreciate what you have and work harder and smarter to achieve what you want. This is better instead of giving up and calling yourself a loser. Am I right? That's all for this entry..bye..

Saturday 20 July 2013


Salam and salam sejahtera sume...entry arini cm plik sket an??sbb feeling aku skang ni pon nga sgt sgt sgt sgt sgt sgt sgt to the power of infinity complicated...hahahah...nmpk x sgt byk di situ??haha...persoaln wujod kt sini is wujodkah friendship yg everlasting??mmg la da rmi da org keliling aku ade friendahip everlasting..tpi kengkdg aku pk tu myb sbb diorg pndi hndle prob..aku pon nk jgak an,tipoola kalo aku rela idop sensorg seumo idop aku an??tpi kenkdg tu bile aku da give half of my trust to them..they will just throw it away...sometimes it makes menjust want to strangle each one of them!!!!uurrgghh!!! Aku bkn nk ckp yg aku ni perfect..I'm the most grateful person if they want to be friend with someone like me..tpi sometimes they just act selfishly..I know that I am not the perfect human being,but still I will consider my friend's feeling..people, I'm begging to GROW UP!!! Thevreason why I write this entry is because I had paid my price before for not growing up and act selfishly...I just don't want the same thing ever happen to others...please value each other while you's hopeless if you wamt to value them later when they're already gone..

Wednesday 3 July 2013

It is complicated...

Salam and Hello everybody..I haven't visited my blog for like ages u today I wany to share some story or mybe some kind of problem to u guys...I have friends like some regular and normal kids have...I'm totally not a freak...but sometimes I hve a feeling like don't wanna see my peeps..I myself don't know why but that is how my heart tells me..but personally I don't hate them..'s just that I feels that something is not right when I'm with them..that's heart is just like very totally so complicated right now..huh!!! Just don't hate me's not like I don't want them to be my friends's just....huh...only time will tell..I just hope that I didn't change myself to some kind of monster or another person that is totally major different from that's all guys...wish that I can get out from this complicated feelings  A.S.A.P. bubye!!