Friday 13 September 2013


Salam and hello to all. Sorry for not visiting and posting for so long. I was just bz with stuff. Haha.. entry today is LOSER!! I'm sure all of you is pretty clear with what it means right? If someone said it to me, I will choked the person!!!!! But thankfully it is not said to me. It was to my dear friend. Who said it to her? Herself!! This is what annoyed me the most. Calling yourself a LOSER. If you are a loser, how come you'd know the word loser? Please people, I'm truly begging you guys not to other people  and specially yourself a loser...appreciate what you have and work harder and smarter to achieve what you want. This is better instead of giving up and calling yourself a loser. Am I right? That's all for this entry..bye..

Saturday 20 July 2013


Salam and salam sejahtera sume...entry arini cm plik sket an??sbb feeling aku skang ni pon nga sgt sgt sgt sgt sgt sgt sgt to the power of infinity complicated...hahahah...nmpk x sgt byk di situ??haha...persoaln wujod kt sini is wujodkah friendship yg everlasting??mmg la da rmi da org keliling aku ade friendahip everlasting..tpi kengkdg aku pk tu myb sbb diorg pndi hndle prob..aku pon nk jgak an,tipoola kalo aku rela idop sensorg seumo idop aku an??tpi kenkdg tu bile aku da give half of my trust to them..they will just throw it away...sometimes it makes menjust want to strangle each one of them!!!!uurrgghh!!! Aku bkn nk ckp yg aku ni perfect..I'm the most grateful person if they want to be friend with someone like me..tpi sometimes they just act selfishly..I know that I am not the perfect human being,but still I will consider my friend's feeling..people, I'm begging to GROW UP!!! Thevreason why I write this entry is because I had paid my price before for not growing up and act selfishly...I just don't want the same thing ever happen to others...please value each other while you's hopeless if you wamt to value them later when they're already gone..

Wednesday 3 July 2013

It is complicated...

Salam and Hello everybody..I haven't visited my blog for like ages u today I wany to share some story or mybe some kind of problem to u guys...I have friends like some regular and normal kids have...I'm totally not a freak...but sometimes I hve a feeling like don't wanna see my peeps..I myself don't know why but that is how my heart tells me..but personally I don't hate them..'s just that I feels that something is not right when I'm with them..that's heart is just like very totally so complicated right now..huh!!! Just don't hate me's not like I don't want them to be my friends's just....huh...only time will tell..I just hope that I didn't change myself to some kind of monster or another person that is totally major different from that's all guys...wish that I can get out from this complicated feelings  A.S.A.P. bubye!!

Tuesday 21 May 2013

follow me!!

oops!! korg lpe plak nk ckp somthing senanye tdi..hehe...entry yg ni mmg akn jdi entry pling pndk dlm seumo idop aku blogging...hehe... 

aku just nk ade rmi kawan.. so sesape yg kt lua sne tu ade instagram... you all are so invited to follow me here ok??

my name is mayazatol

but.. if i don't approve you, don't hate me is totally will not be because i don't like you..ok?? chiaoww!!

babai... XOXO

2 in 1

salam and hello summe...agak lme da x update wa nye blog ni...huuhuhu...

sume nye kerana assignment yg sgt berlambak sampai da x tau nk buat yg mne satu dlu, tpi alhamdulillah bile sume nye mkin selesai satu persatu..hehe..kalo nk ikotkn da bape ari da aku x tido..hhuhu..da bole jdi burong antoo da kalo bole..hee..
mcm ni la aku dlm bape ari ni..huih...loteh!!ahah

so entry for today is freedom, i think all of you know why today's entry sound that way.huhu..actually i just want to say only a little bit about freedom and i'm already said it on the above statement. so i want to move on to the second!! 2 topics in one entry..i must be dead boring you know??

bile da abes buat assignment tu mmg rse la freedom mcm mne ikan ni rse..korg rse x??

the second topic is about a mother..i'm so thankful to God that he still give me the joy of having a mother. as u all know i'm no longer have a father to bermanje-manje..hehe... 

aku rse korg mcm da knal ngan mak aku sbb aku pena tunjok sblom ni, tpi aku tnjok skali lagi. yg baju itam bunge purple to my lovely mom and next to her is my first sister with her fellow cuty daughters..

so, bile ckp pasal mother or mum or ibu or mama or mummy or emak or mak or omma (??), kite mesti akan fikir yg dielah insan yg paling tabah dalam dunie ni kan?? of course la kan, cbe la korg fikir, mak ni la yg bawak kite ke hulu ke hilir selama 9 bulan 10 hari..aku rse kalo la perot tu bole tggl je then bole tgglkn kt rumah, mmg da lme da rmi org buat cmtu, tpi probnye  x bole,,imposible la babe!! mesti korg trfikir nape la tetibe aku ckp pasal mother ni kan??nk kte hari ibu?? hari ibu tu x bole nk sambot as an islam...hmmm.... ce pikir sket..HAA!!! dapat da?? senanye first reason is that i miss my mom so deadly :'( ...and bertmbh la rindu bile skang ni my mom is at the hospital due to some illness that she have. 

and as the second reason is pasal sorg artis malaysia ni yg sggp buang mak sndri semate sorg awek!!! korg bole bayangkn x betape 'VANGANG'nye la jantan tu??penat la mak dye carry dye then lahirkan dye kt muke bumi ni..pastu sesenang je nk buang mak sndri.. tpi aku pon x tau la cite ni btol ke x an sbb aku just membace je ape yg ade di laman SOSIAL nih...hahah tetibe nk ber kamos dewan plak kt cni..hee...ade yg ckp mak dye tabor fitnah yg ank dye buang dye sbb nk awek tu..some said that the reason she said that is because dye x restu ank dye kawan ngan gadis tu.., and other version plak ckp yg mmg ank dye tu btol buang mak dye..ade plak lagi aku dga smpai bapak pompuan tu pegi saman mak laki tu la...aku xnk la ckp spe laki tu or sape pompuan tu kt cni an..sbb aku sndri pon x tau mne satu yg betol, aku tulis pon sbb kalo betol dye buat mak dye cmtu, mmg x patot, that's all!! no offence kay??haih..dunie hiburan ni mcm2 kontroversi...nseb baek la aku ni bkn artis...muahahahha

ni contoh artis, tpi bkn dye la yg aku mention kt ats artis poster cite my girlfriend is a gumiho..waaa cehh!! sompek laei (sempat lagi) nk promote..huhuh

tu je entry tok pagi babai sume..muah.. XOXO

Sunday 5 May 2013


hello!! hello!! hello!!
hahaha...salam sume..aape kaba kome??sehat?? hope sehat la..kalo x sehat tu pepandai la crik dokto sendri ek?? hehee...
ok fine....hhah,...arini aku nk cite pasal tajok entry kt atas tu...mne, ko rg tnye aku?? tula... yg kt atas tu...yg tulesan bold tu...huhuhu...
kalo korg pasan tajok kt atas tu mcm cdey sgt kn bunyiknye..
hahahha...da mcm lagu singer AKON  tu plak an..hihihihih...
sedapnye la kalo dapat tido time2 cmni...zzzzzz

i'm sure all of you aware of what is the big event that is happening today..hmm..ape ek?? PRU 13 la..
tpi aku bukan nk cite pasal politik ke hape kt cni tau, so sape yg da nk mule kua dri entry ni saba dlu, msok balek meh...aku ni xde la ske sgt bab2 politik ni..
aku just nk cite yg sbb event ni, mmg rmi sgt bebudak uni aku  balek umah diorg...ade yg da blek dri ari kames minggu lpas ag korg tau??kengkadang tu geram pon ade jgak..hish..aku bknnye xnk balek..tpi malas la..nnt kt mne2 je org sibok berkempen bagai..haish...even my mom pon berleter kt telinge aku ni...huh...
so, at last aku tinggl la sensorg kt kolej aku ni, actually xde la smpai sorg..ade  tu ade rumate aku, tpi of coz la dye pergi berjimba ngan membe dye mude skang..bknla mksdnye kau ni da tua ke hape..huhuhsaje nk propa...
itu bole la aku nk hadap an nk dok dlm bilik sensorg...yg x bole blah nye bile kafe2 kt kolej ni pon habeh dok tutop sume...
haiyoo...aku nk mkn pon susa..kalo ade dapo ke kt dlm biik aku ni bole la jgak aku nk jdi chef wan kejap ke an??
ade x org boring sampai bernafas cmni??bole muat buah rambutan tu..huhuh

and one more reason why i wrote this entry is because i'm so d*** boring you know??
so sje jela nk berleter kt mate korg...
hahahmate...yela, coz right now, i'm not talking to you..i'm just  typing to you..huhuhu..jgn mara haaaa...
babai..salam.. MK..

korg sume jgn la buat rambot camni k??takot nnt kepale di belangkong kerana disangke ade hewan hinggap di kepala..huhuh..anda yg saket nnt..hee

Monday 22 April 2013


Hohoi, for the last entry i'm at home..right now..i'm already at my university..huhu...mmg la boghek(berat) ghaso eh nk balek tu an, tpi nk wat cemne...blaja ni pon one of my responsibilities berat cemne pon...still kne, for this entry, i want to talk about stress to you all...spe yg x pena stres dlm idop??mmg bahagia n untongla idop dye..tpi x untong jgak..sbb, korg pena dga x pasal ade sorg hamba allah yg hidop dye x penah ditimpa malang, smpikn telor ayam kt rumah dye jatoh dri kabinet ke lnti pon xkn peca. Korg jgn pk idop hamba ni menguntongkan..sebenanye dye telah dilupakn Allah sehingga hidopnye xde lgsg susa..asyek seng, kite2 ni jgn la sng mara kalo ade ujian ataupon kesusahan yg dtg...mesti ade hikmahnye, and yg pling pntg, tu ialah petande yg Allah still igt kt kite ni..hehe...back to our entry, aku skang ni da msok sem 2 da kt uni..sem 1dulu pon aku da naek gile kn plak sem 2 subject, new lecturer..huh..kengkdg rse nk mara je..tpi bile pk, 'kalo blaja tu sng, sume  org malas nk stadi, sbb seng, bebile pong bole nk stadi, last minit pon bole..'.. da la lecturer pon da tuka...x sme cm last sem. Slalunye aku xde hal pon kalo lecturer nk tuka, tpi yg buat aku baran kt sorg lecturer ni bile dye banding2kn bdak mlayu ngan bdak kaom laen.mmg la slame ni kalo pape je msti bdak kaom laen, tpi jgn lpe, bdak mlayu pon ade tau..kalo lecturer tu kaOm laen gak aku x kesa la kalo dye nk bndgkn (kesa jgak actually), ni dala bangse mlayu sndri, then nk bandgkn, smpai skang aku egt ayat dye, cmni 'ni grup a ni!!!', sbb mse tu dye sowh kitorg buat grup tok final project, of coz la dok ngan collegue sndri, sbb nnt pape sng nk bncg sume, tetibe dye tego, 'owh, ni x bole ni, ni dok dgn collegue ni,'tetibe dye perasan satu grup tu dok sme jgak, 'eh, ni grup a ni!!', aku nk je ckp ngan dye cmni, 'abes puan nk kte yg kitorg sume ni bodo laa puan??', gram btol aku mse, bebudak yg konon a tupon nk dok ngan collegue diorg tau x??hish...papepon aku da abeskn kemarhn aku skang ni fokus je...ok...kt cni jela aku nk bebel..hehe..kalo ade yg x puas ati pasall entry pliz leave a comment..sbb aku tau yg x sume org sme prasaan cm aku, mybe org laaen ade opinion laen,aku juz nk ckp ape yg ade dlm ati aku sokmo guyz...

Gamba kt bawah ni sumpah xde kene mengene...

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Heaven fall here....

Salam and hello sume...da lme da an aku x post pape kt blok aku ni???da bersawang da mybe..hahaaa dala kalo sbot bhse kamos dewan mmg paggl laman sesawang an???hahaaha...lawaktol la bhse malaysia ni kengkdg...okla...balek ke tjok entry kite. Why heaven? It is because i got a week off from university.. WWWAAARRGGHHH!!!! at first i just can't believe it, but as right now i'm sittng comfortly on my couch at home, it means this stuff is real..hahha...i'm really home guys!! So.. sape pena dga rumahku syurgaku?? Itula yg aku nk cakap kt korg..tpi dlm different version in conclusion la kn...aku ust nk cakap bile aku sampai kt rumah ni, da rse lega and all burdens have been lifted from my, sespe yg mcm ku jgak skang ni and nga berehat kt rumah, just wanna wish u guys hepi holiday and pliz la have fun kt rumah tu...jgn tido je ok???huhu...ok...that is all for today's entry...babai and salam sume...

Monday 25 February 2013

membe sebilik

salam ollz...

malam ni aku nk cite pasal rumate aku mse aku kt mtrik dlu..aku mmg ade rumate bru kt UTHM ni..tpi sje je nk knalkn kt korg spe yg ade dlm idop aku ni..memndg kn aku bru je buat blog ni couple days mmg byk la kisah2 silam yg akan saya muatkn di dlm ni..*choi!!ayt DJ radio..haha..

mcm kt UTHM ni gak, aku ade 4 org sebilik including me*yela,kalox aku nk dudok  ne plak an?kuikui..actually mse memule dlu sorg dri rumate aku tu org laen, tpi nk wat cmane, dye x ske dok situ. so, dye pon da pndh x bape lme dudok kt situ. lpas dye pergi, ade jgak ALLAH anta sorg manusie tok dudok kt katil, in a nut shell, aku ade 3 org rumate, azhani hasnol hadi,nurul syazana nordin, and aqila ra'auf.and mcm bese aku akn bgi korg sume tatap gambo dlu la yewp?hewhew...
yg oren kuning coklat tu ana, yg coklat puteh tu hani

hahah..anani org KEYYEL(KL), hani ni ngan qila ni plak org joho..mmg rindu sgt la kt diorg ni..kalo aku ade prob ke aku hepi sgt2 ke..mmg diorg la tmpat aku nk cite pon selaen dri sarah, dlm entry aku yg dlu tu..igt??huehhueh..yg diorg ni pon sme..susa sgt nk jumpe pon...sume dok sibok busy memanjang je bile da start jdik siswazah ni an..hahhaha

tudung bawal coklat hani,syria qila, bawal itam ana

gamba kt bawah ni mse kitorg punye party blok, aku nk mnx sket la pendapat korg sume ke?sme x muke diorg due ni??hahah...same an???kalo korg kte sme, mmg korg ni pndi giler sbb mse kt mtrik dlu diorg pggl makcik due org kt bawah ni kembo(kembar)..hahahda la  dedue pon org joho gak an??seb bek mak bapak je x sme...kembo x sebape x seibu..huhuh..tu nmenye bkn kembo kalo nk diikotkn...

ni qila and hani mse jamuan blok kitorg..berdandan sakan..

tgk la makcik sorg ni,posing separo maot punyew..

kalo korg pasan entry aku kali ni mcm sket je an??sbb aku rse sgt pnjg sekali plak bile aku bce blek entry aku yg lelain tu kt blog aku..hmm..besela..bile da start typing tu mmg x bole la nk benti an?hahah..ape2 pon,hope korg enjoy bce ape yg aku share kt blok ni..kalo korg ade ape2 yg korg nk aku published kt entry laen..inform la daku k??hahah...sompek plak nk buek iklan kt sinia ha..hadoyai...(haha..sempat pulak nk buat iklan kt sini)*translation, tkot plak ade yg x paham nnt bile aku tules ikot spelling loghat aku..huhuhu...daa...salam.. <3

Thursday 21 February 2013

katon jepon = anime

salam sume, sjak akhir2 ni aku da jdi addicted ngan anime. kalo korg igt la kan, aku pena ckp sblom ni yg aku mnat bce komik,tpi mse tu aku blom ag minat nk tgk anime ni, tpi aku ade la tgk anime yg dye tayang kt tv tu an, cm naruto,bleach,n memcm ag..hmm.. meh cni aku nk cite sal ape n cemne aku bole start minat anime ni.. minat ni dtg mse taon lpas,mse stadi week kt UTHM ni. aku nga mmg xde mood nk stadi an mse, aku pon connect la wifi dkat lappy aku ni, aku pon mlekn dgn google. sape tau cite jepon gokusen?(SAYE!! SAYE!!). cite tu pasal sorang cikgu, dye cucu kpd yakuza yg plg ditakuti n digeruni,*kelua da ayt karangan skola, tpi dye slalu dpt incharge klas yg mmg bebudak mke pecah rumah, perangai pon bengong.ok, mse tu aku nga google image, so aku nmpk la gmba anime tok movie ni an?slame ni pon aku nmpk pict tu tpi ntah,mse tu blom smpai seru lagi kot. then aku pon google search la mne tmpt plg best nk lyan anime2 ni an?tetibe ter'click' satu website ni, aku bgi kt korg jgak kalo2 mne tau korg pon da smpai seru cm aku gak ke nk layan anime ni kan? tgk bawah ni, adela link dye..kuikui...

kalo anime ni kan, dye lebih ske buat genre GYAKUHAREM drpd  genre HAREM. aku rse mesti ade jgak yg xtau an apo bondo eh plak ni? harem, harem...haha...rilek...rilek..aku nk gtau la ni an?kalo nk ikotkn ape yg aku google kt wikipedia aritu, genre harem tu mknenye cite tu pasal sorang lead(slalunye lelaki) and kt keliling dye ade gadis2 cntk, and slalunye gadis tu myb cm ade 3 org. and kalo genre gyakuharem plak is vice versa, sorg lead(slalunye pompuan) n keliling dye ade jejake2 kacak...huhu..paham ke idok??

most director lebih prefer genre gyakuharem dripd genre harem, mybe kalo buat genre harem tu nnt nmpk laki tu mcm playboy la plak an?? dlm bape minggu ni ade la jgak aku layan mcm2 jenis anime yg ade dlm website tu an. tpi aku ade jgak crik anime yg aku pena tgk mse aku kecik2 dlu. tajok dye FRUITS BASKET. cite ni best sgt bgi aku sbb dye mcm ade unsur magic.kalo korg nk tau ape yg magic sgt, cbe la pegi tgk yewp?aku bknnye kedekot ke hape x nk cite kt korg,tpi nnt x surprise la an? everybody like surprises right?
ni cite fruits basket..kiut!!!

ni plak gokusen..mesti korg tau an?da ade da tjok dye kt ctu..hee

cite ni aku x ade sbot pon kt atas,tpi ni antre yg aku da lyn kt website tu..hee

and ade sgt berlambak lambak ag anime yg ade dlm website tu. xkn la aku nk tules sume an??kasihanilah daku... :'( 
so korg kne la selongka sendri kt website tu k?
babai!! salam... <3

Wednesday 20 February 2013


sjak aku mule tules blog ni aku xde pon cite kt korg sal family aku an?ok skang ni aku nk cite.aku mue ngan dulu la an,sbb aku start idop pon,dulu..kuikui..ok..dulu, aku ade 5 org ahli keluarga including me. so, mse aku darjah 4, sadly, my father past, tinggalla 4 org je satu to the introducing..
this is my second sister, maizatulhuda binti md daham

the one wearing spectackle is my big sister, maizatulshida binti md daham.
next to her is my dearest mother, maimon mohd yusoff.

kite mulekn with my mother k? she is like angel sent from heaven.kalo la Tuhan offer aku nk tuka ibu ke x,aku mmg x nk sampai kiamat pon aku xnak.setiap org ade glaran tok mak diorg an?mcm aku, aku pggl mak aku IBU, mcm lagu susu lm tv dlu tu,'ibu,ibu, engkaula ratu hatiku..',dye kawen ngan my father who i called BAPAK, and produces out three of us.kuikui..satu kelebihan ibu aku ni,dye mmg sgt pndi masak,*opcoz la kne pndi masak an?kalo x cemne la nk kawen??hmm..kalo dye masak an,satu rumah bole bau masakan dye tu.seriusly, kalo mse tu korg sume da kenyang or xde selera makn ke,bau jela ape yg ibu aku ni masak, mesti terbukak punye selera korg sume,huhuh..yg pling aku ske skali dye masak is sambal goreng.korg tau x?bkn sambal org ltak dlm nasi lmak tu,tpi sambal yg warne dye glap tu.kalo dapat tu,ngan nasik, campo kicap sket, wa nk ckp ngan lu der,mmg air liur bertakong dlm mulot la sng nk cite an..haha..dulu dye ade 3 org je ank pompuan, akak aku shida,huda, ngan aku. tpi sjak akak aku due org tu kawen, dapek la ibu den nihaa ompek oghang cucu,duo pompuan,duo laki.ske sgt ati dye mse dpt timang cucu tu.. :)

akak aku yg first tu,aku paggl dye kaksa, dye pena dpt ijazah kt UUM, sintok skang ni dye ade keje yg sgt besa.aku mmg respek perspek kt akak aku ni sbb dye dri kecik dlu ntah cemne ntah blajanye,dga lagu sbela,tpi dye menghafal.entah ade ulat ape lm otak dye xtau la, aku rse dye amalkn GAMOGEN la.haha...xde kene mengene pong.tpi aku takot gak ngan dye ni,garang bona,cam ghimau(harimau) pon ado yo,tpi totap akak den.. dye bertemu jodoh mse dye stadi kt UUM dlu,so skang ni dye da kawen ngan jejake mat jusoh namo eh..jejake ni org klate,tu yg aku da adicted ngan budu,huahua..tu la jugak yg dapek duo oghang puteri gunung ledang tu...huhuhu...dye tggl kt KEYYEL(KL),so kalo aku bosang ke hape ke bole le aku singgah.hoho..skang dye da pndh umah,hmm..aku bolom sompek jojak laie kek ghumah dio..nnt la den poie,den pon ontah bilo eh nk cuti.
ni harimau..:P

akak aku yg second tu plak,aku pggl dye kakcik,skang ni dye keje sbgi kerani di sobuah kodai moto kek kajang,dekat je an? KL ngan kajang..UNTONGLAA..dye jumpe ngan jodoh dye mse dkat kg,diberi nama ahmad nafil. aku x tau la an cemne kisah cinta diorg,ktenye si jejake yg mengorat si dare,*ofcoz la kan,mne la plak akak aku tu nk g mengorat,da la mse tu dye nga keje..hadoyai..thp tu jela yg aku bole nk cite,kalo aku cite ag nnt mmg xkn bes la entry ni an?saba jela,*tgn kt bahu,mate pndg atas,dan diorg dapat dua org ultraman..hahaha..sbb ank diorg dedue laki..dye ngan laki dye kalo mse rye tu mmg xde la problem sgt sbb kg mereka dekat sahajew..hooho..sme je dlm n9.kakcik satu je masalah dye,dye ni paneh(panas) baran, tpi sjak da kawen and sjak da ade ank ni, da surot sket baran dye tu,penangan anak namo eh..hahah penangan lah sgt!! mse kecik2 dlu yg slalu layan aku nk maen masak2 kakcik ni la,yg kaksa tu dye matang cpat sket an,so dye ade urusan org dewasa tok dye handle..hoho!!

kalo nk diikotkn aku ngan kakcik ni sepesen sket,kitorg dedue maleh(malas)hhahaha..yg kaksa ni rjen betol,kalo korg sowh dye kemas satu rumah mmg puas ati dgn hasil yg diberikan,hoho*untuk keterangan lnjot,sile layari laman web tersebot, tpi nk wat cemne,kitorg kn adek ber'hadek'?so, mmg akn ade satu bende la yg sme an?haha..kitorg kalo jumpe,nk bergossip tu mmg x bole nk elak la..mesti ade je cite nk dibincangkan,haha..kalo korg pasan,mke aku ngan kakcik xde rupe,tpi aku ade rupe kaksa,n kakcik ade rupe kaksa,hehe..kirenye kitorg ni bhgi 2 dri kaksa la an.kaksa ngan kakcik ade amek mke ibu sket.kalo aku,aku 100% pure ikot bapak aku..tpi xde la pure sgt an,sbb bapak aku an laki,mestila ade laen sket..sbb tu ibu slalu kte aku slalu buat dye teringat kt bapak..FEWW!!..letih btol..senanye banyak ag yg nk cite,besela,cite family mmg x kn abes..

ok..aku chow dlu..babai..salam.. <3

brand new things

salam sume..entry tok kali ni adalah brand new things.nape ek tajok kali cm len mcm?sbb, lately aku byk jumpe and cube bende baru dlm idop aku.FYI, i am a legal student of university tun hussein onn malaysia (UTHM).aku start dafta mse bln 9 taon lpas,mse dafta tu mmg aku sgt, really, x ske ngan U ni.tpi mken lme aku idop kt cni ade la tumbo sket rse syg kt cni.rumate aku pon sempoi sum it up,bolela kalo nk kte yg aku da hepi dok kt sni.dpt rmi kawan,knal lecturer yg memacam perangai.memule dlu mmg tunggang terbalek jgakla idop aku an.sbb kt U an kne naek bas an kalo nk g klas.kalo klas aku kt fakulti je x pela,kalo yg jao tu mmg resah btol ati aku kalo tertggl bas.tpi skang ni aku da master pasal schedule bas yg ade kt UTHM ni.kuikui..skang nk ckp sal membe baru aku plak.jap,sblom aku nk cite bgi korg tgk gambo dlu la ek??hee..

ni nme dye makcik izza..dye dak joho..

yg ni mmg x bole nk pisah da skang due org ni,yg pgg fon tu nme dye cik fisya, and yg pkai bju polkadot tu nme dye mimi..

yg sorang ni nme dye nenek zara,otak dye ni pon keng kdg x bape nk btol gak au..

ni yg pose gigit straw tu nme dye ustazah shida..yg sbela tu mimi la kan, yg kt atas tdi tu..dye ni mmg giler kamera sket..buahahh..

da syok an tgk gamba??so skang ni aku nk cite plak cemne aku bole knal diorg. hmm..diorg ni sume satu klas ngan aku, hmm..aku cite ikot turut gambo la ek??snang sket idop aku..huhu..yg first skali izza tu, nme dye nur izza idris,mmg pendek n sng nk pggl. x membazir air  liur, alam sekitar sehat..haha..aku knal dye mse orientasi.mse tu kitorg nk g jumpe PA(PA disini bkn personal assistant ok,PA ni pensyarah yg lead kitorg nye klas),memule aku sje jela kn tego dye,mne la tau kitorg sme tmpat ke an?sng sket idop aku.kuikui..time aku nk knal ngan dye ni bole kte jejak kaseh la jgk,sbb slame aku kt mtrik mlake dlu,aku x pena tau pon wujodnye manusie bername izza..hahah..bile da tau tu rse cm lega sket..FUUHH..

ok, next pasal cik fisya plak. nme dye rafisya hasyima. dye kte dlu kengkwn dye pggl dye fishy..hahah..kalo korg tgk dye pon an,kengkdg tu aku trase mcm ade something fishy bout her. aku rse sbb tula kot kengkwn dye pggl dye cmtu..aku knal dye lmbt sket, cdey an??hahah *x paya nk sedeyh!! pedeyh!!, aku knal mse kitorg start kuliah,memule honestly aku mmg x brani nk tego dye sbb mke dye ade cm mke pengetue skola gitu an?serius sahaje..kuikui..tpi bile da start knal dye, senanye xde la pengetue sgt pon, cm pesaket tanjong rambutn adela, gilernye x pena abes..hahah *jgn mara haaa??

next contestant is mimi, nme dye nursyamimi haron. dye ni pon aku knal mse start kuliah, tpi mse orientasi tu ade jgak nmpk dye KHUSYO' bebeno maen GALAXY NOTE dye tu..huhu..kalo korg pasan dlm 2 gamba tu dye xde pon pke tudong bawal kan?the reason why is,dye kte kalo pke tudong bawal nnt lelme tudong tu jdi cm bunge raye..hoho..bole le sesape nk wat hiasan dalaman..buahahh.. *ish trok btol aku ni,sori yewp?, dye ske pakai pashmina *hoho,ala org arabiah gitu..kuikui.., haah, lpe plak nk gtau satu bende ag pasal dye ni, dye mmg truly kpop fanz.dye ni da kire mcm internet bergerak aku la an sng cite,sbb aku pon layan la jgak korea ni,so, kalo aku nk tau pape update baru mmg aku pegi kt dye jela, mura agpon, kalo pegi cc kne cas RM2 sejam, kalo kt si mimi ni,bape jam pon free sajew..

seterosnye zara, dye ni aku knal mse kuliah gak,*org mse kuliah blajo,tpi aku bole knal knalan plak, dye satu blok ngan aku. mse last sem dye dok tgkt plg atas skali,tpi sem ni dye da menyebok kt aras aku plak,hahah..dye ni org joho,sme mcm si izza, shida ngan cik fisya tu. memule dlu aku mcm rse dye ni pendiam n pemalu manusie nye, HUH! jgn ler korg tertipu, manusie ni xde la pendiam n pemalu mcm yg aku sgke, kengkdg nyesal pon ade bile aku pk cmtu dulu.hoho..aku kalo nk gado mmg crik dye,sbb kalo aku usik dye dye mesti ade reflect,kalo ngan ag 4 org tu kureng sket.slalu jgak la aku kne pukol and kne mara ngan dye.pastu aku tnye la,nape ko reflect over sgt ek kalo aku usik ko?then dye kte,'EH! mestila,aku kne mempertahankan maruah diri aku!' haha..mmg lawak, tpi nnt kalo aku glak kne pkol ag. aku pon glak jela dlm ati.

lastly, shida. dye ni pon satu blok ngan aku.just dye kt aras atas aku, so mmg jarang jumpe la kan.tpi bile pegi klas still jumpe.hmm,dye ni mmg ade ciri2 ke'ustazah'an la sng nk cite kt korg an. dye ni kuat glak,sme je mcm 4 org kt atas tdi tu, kalo tgah gossip reramai tu an, mmg jgn harapla nk benti.kitorg sume slalu kalo nk lepak g lepak McD or mne2 tmpat yg ade mknn..huhu..*nmpk bebeno pelahapnye..huahua..

ok..tu aje yg aku nk bebel kali ni..hewhew.. <3
gamba ni sekadar hiburan  semate matexde kene mengene antre yg idop mahupon yg suda tiade

i miss u

salam sume.. :)
malam ni aku bosan giler, so kalo byk sgt entry satu malam ni korg jgn tnye knape au..kuikui...ok kali ni aku nk ckp pasal rindu or in english is miss. mcm entry aku sblom ni aku ckp pasal memori, so skang aku nk cite sape yg ade dlm memori aku tuh..kuikui..*INI SUME POYO!!

mse kt mtrik dlu, sekelas ade 20 org, 8 jejake, 12 dara, *ni da cm zaman P.Ramlee la plak. ok, so, dlm reramai dara dlm kelas tu aku ade 3 org yg aku rapat n sayang.*no heart feelings k tok 9 org dara tu??dlm entry laen aku cite sal korg plak...kuikui...

aku mulekn ngan sorg ni, nme dye sarah solehah, and dye mmg seorg yg solehah,bkn la nk kte yg aku ni x solehah an..kuikui..dye ade 3 org adek-beradek, 1 wanita, and 1 ag jejake tunggal.dye da berpunye, nnt kalo dye kawen mesti aku sedih giler babas.dulu dye dudok kt muar,tpi skang dye da pndh kedah da.dye ni yg aku bole kte plg rapat la kot, ala, kalo rapat pon sbb kitorg dudok sme blok and bilik kitorg pon berdepan je,hehe..dye ni kalo korg nk tau mmg sgt rajin, bile aku nk g lepak bilik dye an, mesti dye tgah stadila,kemas baju la,menyapu la,makan la,eh!, mkn pon kire rajin gak ke?hee..aku slalu pggl dye MAMA sbb kalo aku da kerin means da xde fulus nk mkn, dye la yg blanje aku. aku sayang dye sgt sgt and sangat. kalo aku sedih ke mara ke hepi ke dye tetap ade kt sbela aku, aku mmg x kn dpt crik kwn mcm dye selaen dye. so, a little advice for u guys, appreciate your friends while they care for u, because once u don't, u will find them missing in order to find a good friend. :3
ni la gadis sara solehah tu..woot!! woot!!

yg kedua aku nk cite sal raja nurul masitah. *kellas name ko jahh!!. tpi kitorg pggl dye masi or sometimes beyi,sbb pangai mmg x matang lgsg!! dye ni aku rapat jgak.tpi terbina nye benteng antre kami adalah disebabkan dye dudok blok laen dri aku,*choi!!ayat sasterawan negara, mcm si sara tu aku ag rapat sbb mmg 24/7 jumpe ngan dye.tpi si masitah ni xde la jao sgt dye dudok, kengkdg aku slalu je dtg bilek dye lepak2, wat mke x tau malu msok bilek org an.kuikui..dye ni aku jealous sket, da la pndi, cantek plak tu, sape yg dpt dye ni mmg ptot bersyuko ke hadrat Ilahi tau x?nnt kalo ade jantan keparat yg nk ngorat dye ni, aku akn halang, aku xkn restui hubungan mereke!!!*cewah, da cam dialog filem ibu mertua ku plak..kuikui..tpi ade satu je yg kureng kt masi ni,dye sgt ske merepek smbil2 dye mkn kerepek. aku x tau cmne nk trgkn kemerepekan dye tu, tpi kalo korg dudok ngan dye sejam, eh! bkn! dudok 10 minit pon korg akn nmpk ade bibit2 merepek dye tu, kengkdg wat aku ade rse menyampah, but even worse kengkdg aku rse dye mmg nk try mkn selipar saiz 10 aku.huh!! tpi ape bole buat, aku sayang dye jugak even aku rse nyampah ke nk baling selipar ke nk campak dye dlm gaung ke.


ni la dye masi!! tgk bdak ni mmg x btol..haish... -_-

yg sorang ag nme dye adalah shada, dye kte dye dapat nme timangan tu mse dye g PLKN. nme betol dye shuhada,*kalo sala eja maapkan daku,daku suda tua..sobs.. gitulah ktenye an??hmm..dye ni ag kesian,aku sgt jarang pergi lepak bilek dye sbb bilek dye nun jao dia atas bukit sne, haha..tpi ade satu ari tu,hari jadi dye,kitorg tige org kaotim sesme nk g wat surprise kt dye..huhu..mse tu dye nga blaja, bile kitorg masok tu,dye malu tambah secubit terkejot.kitorg x kua pekan kn mse tu,so x dpt la nk bg dye kek yg original,bgi yg spicy jer(kitorg bgi dye burger double special, hah!! hamek hengkau!!)dye ni pon otak mmg x bole nk ckp la an?mmg genius la snang nk ckp. memule mse start matrik dlu,dye ni nmpk cm sopan and pemalu,tpi bile da kawan ngan kitorg ni,mmg da hapos la kan sume malu tu,tpi xde la hapos sume an.kalo hapos sume tu da jdi laen mcm plak..kuikui..dye ni pon opcoz la kan aku sayang..aku akn sayang sesape yg sayang n x sayang aku pon aku akn sayang jugak..kuikui..tgk ni,shada ade kt bawah..

amboi awek ni, sibok stadi nampak?

tu je la aku nk membebel tok kali ni..hee..moge berjumpe di lain entry!!*ah! sudaa, da mcm ending cite rakyat la plak..hadoyai.. ni ade satu lagu tok korg dga...


memories never dies

salam sume..hmm..kalo nk ikotkn aku ni ag ske jdi lone ranger drpd jdi power rangers.paham x??means aku lbey ske sensorg. tpi sjak aku msok mtrik taon 2011 aritu, aku rse aku da ske plak jdi power rangers.aku pon x tau nape.mybe sbb zaman sekola menenga aku x bape nk menarik kowt.hmm.. mybe??who knows??haha..apepon, aku nk cite sal membe2 matrik aku yg mmg happening giler nk mati!! haha..kengkdg tu kalo aku dok sensorg termenong ke hape ke an?(FYI termenong and berangan mmg hobi aku, kuikui..), aku mesti teringat kt diorg sume. rindu pon ade jgak,tpi nk wat reunion tu mmg payah sgt, bile aku cuti,yg si peah plak x cuti, kalo bedah cuti, gayah plak ade hal. haih...ntah la jahh ooi..aku pon poning nk pikir. tpi aku mmg sgt2 terhutang budi pade Mark Zuckerberg sbb da buat satu media perborakan dan persosialan yg pling kreatif and efektif kt dunie ni...buahaha..sbb kalo nk ikotkan la kan, peratusan anak mude zmn skang ni tuka nombor or beli nombor fon bru adalah melebihi 50% tau x?so kalo aku ade no diorg ,se taon 2011, aku mmg x bole nk jamin kt korg sume yg no fon dye adalah no fon yg sme pde taon 2013. tpi kalo gne fb ni memang tak la an nk tetiap taon nk tuka wat akaun baru. kuikui..


okela, kite kembali ke tajok entry kite. so, in the nut shell aku mmg sgt rindu kt membe mtrik aku, kalah la ombak rindu kalo nk digambarkan kerinduan aku pde mereke sume..haha..hope ler satu ari nnt dapat la kumpol reramai. kalo sempat kite merewang ler skali an kt ctu.kuikui..hope enjoy bce entry kali ni..haa..lpe plak, ni gambo kitorg sume sekelas mse kt mtrik dlu.. <3
ni gamba satu klas..hehe..sume gile terlebih2..

ni plak mse da nk start last exm pspm..sume lpas stress..

ni pon sme, sume wayar da putos..

Tuesday 19 February 2013


salam skali lagi...hee..aku ni mmg da bosan tahap dewa da ni...huhuhsatu ari smpi 3 post aku published..hehe..xpela an??blog aku..kuikui..mesti korg plik nape entry kali ni nme dye junjun. actually junjun ni nme yg aku teringin sgt nk bgi kt pet; OPPS!! yg ni kne ckp malay ok?, binatang peliharaan aku. korg tau an sugar glider?org yg aku pena nmpk pgg binatang ni ialah johan raja lawak,dye slalu bawak binatang ni mse dye dlm game SUPER SPONTAN, dye ade jgak bawak mse dlm show dye tu, ACHANER TU JOHAN?
ni la dye sugarglider, cute an?rse nk picit2 je..haha..

 bile aku da ade prasaan nk membele ni an, tpi bkn membele hantu k? bile da ade rse nk membele, so aku pon xrik tau la pasal sugar glider ni an,yela, ape susa nye, pegi je connect internet,then google je..kuikui. aku google la pasal cemne nk jge dye, dye mkn ape,nk mndi bape kali.mende2 ni sume aku bole nk tgg,tpi bile aku google satu mende nih, tro buat semangat aku nk membele ilang.mende yg aku google tu x laen x bkn adalah harge.korg tau x satu sugar glider da 3 ratos lbey,then dye cdgkn so beli sepasang so that dye bole buat family tree an??kalo beli sepasang da kne 5 ratos lbey.tu x abes ag berite burok dye, kne beli cage yg gt besa so that dye bole terbang2 ke sane ke sini,cmpo palk ngan maknn dye, je pon aku da penin.aku bknnye nye org berkerjaye ke hape.stakat student je babe! duet pon slalu kering..pastu,satu ari aku tgk tv ade rncgn sal guinea pigs,mulela an aku meng'google'.yela korg tau x,aku smpe x tido mlm sbb nk pk nme ape yg aku nk letak kalo aku ade binatang, aku pon amek jela ape2 peuang yg ade,mne la tau kalo guinea pigs ni aku mampu ke an?lpas abes google, sme je resultnye,still aku x mampu nk tampong.haih blom kawen ag tpi da kne pk sal nk tampong mende laen.sudah nye aku pon save jela nme junjun ni.mne tau an satu mse bile aku da keje nt akhirnye berhasil gak nk beli sugar glider tu?kuikui..aku hope la kucing aku x jeles ngan impian aku ni.kuikui..hahha..FYI  nme kucing aku lucy.meh cni aku tunjok kt korg..

mke mintak penampa an??aku pon kengkdg geram gak bile dye buat mke sembelit ni.. 

k, tu je tok entry kali ni..salam.. :3

burong antoo

salam sume...mesti korg sume plik an??apela makhluk ni buat pepagi bute ni...hahahha..aku pon plik senanye..tpi aku pon da x tau nk watpe an??so..ape ag??tros jela pegi tules blog yg bru je lahir ke dunia maya ni...buahahha...kua da ayt novel aku, padahal x pena pon bce novel,buku teks jela novel yg aku pena bce.

ni antre filem yg aku minat nk mati..

haa..mesti korg sume tau gamba kt atas tu cite ape an??cite ni mmg epic giler kalo sape yg x minat or x pena tgk cite ni.aku mse memule dlu pon ckp kt u olz, x mnat lgsg cite ni. cmni cite cemne aku minat cite ni..kuikui..

pada zaman dahulu..hahhaa...xde la..aku mnat cite ni mse aku form 5..adela dlm taon 2010 kowt, aku pon krg egt,besela,otak da repot,krg mnom susu..kuikui...nk dijadikn cite,klasmate aku sorg ni x pena plak aku tau yg dye minat bce novel,sbb dye slalu bce komik je an? sme la cm aku. but FYI i am not an OTAKU k?then one day, aku nmpk dye bawak satu buku,  aku pk komik ke hape, sbb aku nk la lepas an?(LEPAS means aku nk pnjm lpas dye bce,bhse dak asrama..kuikui). lpastu,aku tgk ghupenye novel, dah la novel omputeh plak tu. aku ni novel mlayu pon mcm segan mati x tamau,nikan plak nk sowh aku bce novel omputeh uh..URGH! PLIZ!
tpi aku still curios gak an, so aku pon tnye la kt dye ko bce novel hape??then dye kte twilight,aku pon tnye,best sgt ke??then dye sbotla nme ROBERT PATTINSON, aku pon hape ag, pegiler google mamat tu an? lpas je aku dpt tau wujud mahklok yg ensem giler babas tu ade. aku mmg x lpaskn peluang la an nk g tgk cite tu..then, after that aku pon follow la cite tu..smpe da taon lpas, sbb dye da abes an filem tu. kalo nk ikotkn novel dye, just ade 4 buku je, tpi aku x tau la nape director tu sengal sipowt pegi pecahkn buku yg last tu jdi 2 part...pnat tau aku nk tunggu abes..hmmmm..
lastly, aku nk korg sume dga satu lagu dripde filem ni,kalo korg nk crik,lagu ni kua mse family cullen ngan bella ngah main baseball mse petir..listen it,then really really dig and vibe the song..hope u guys like it..salam :3


first of all, As Salam kepada yg beragame Islam, and selamat sejahtera to the non-muslim...heee...AAARRGGHH!!!! x sangke yg aku akn start tulis blog, padahl slameni mmg x pena skali pon aku nk pk pasal nk cite kt org pasal idop aku ni...hahha...okey..kalo korg sume pasan aku the title for today is 'congratulations', why??sebab, saye nk congrates pade diri saye ni yg baru je blajo nk buat blog pde ari ni n pde mlm ni..kuikui... 

ni la saye...halloooww...

hmmm..nk cite sket...senanye ni bknla first time aku buat blog ni..dlu pena jgak, tpi terhenti di permulaan...cdey pon ade, tpi sbb dye mmg giler aku cakap u ollzz..the reason why i stop blogging is because i for got my username and password for google account..aku ade cite mende nih kt mmbe aku..x tau plak aku diorg nk buat pesta tamparan beramai-ramai kt aku lpas dga reason aku tu..haih..terdapat penyesalan di situ..tu saje tok arini rsenye..sbb bru first time la org kte sket2 dlu..kuikui...

salam sayang n As Salam... :3