Sunday 5 May 2013


hello!! hello!! hello!!
hahaha...salam sume..aape kaba kome??sehat?? hope sehat la..kalo x sehat tu pepandai la crik dokto sendri ek?? hehee...
ok fine....hhah,...arini aku nk cite pasal tajok entry kt atas tu...mne, ko rg tnye aku?? tula... yg kt atas tu...yg tulesan bold tu...huhuhu...
kalo korg pasan tajok kt atas tu mcm cdey sgt kn bunyiknye..
hahahha...da mcm lagu singer AKON  tu plak an..hihihihih...
sedapnye la kalo dapat tido time2 cmni...zzzzzz

i'm sure all of you aware of what is the big event that is happening today..hmm..ape ek?? PRU 13 la..
tpi aku bukan nk cite pasal politik ke hape kt cni tau, so sape yg da nk mule kua dri entry ni saba dlu, msok balek meh...aku ni xde la ske sgt bab2 politik ni..
aku just nk cite yg sbb event ni, mmg rmi sgt bebudak uni aku  balek umah diorg...ade yg da blek dri ari kames minggu lpas ag korg tau??kengkadang tu geram pon ade jgak..hish..aku bknnye xnk balek..tpi malas la..nnt kt mne2 je org sibok berkempen bagai..haish...even my mom pon berleter kt telinge aku ni...huh...
so, at last aku tinggl la sensorg kt kolej aku ni, actually xde la smpai sorg..ade  tu ade rumate aku, tpi of coz la dye pergi berjimba ngan membe dye mude skang..bknla mksdnye kau ni da tua ke hape..huhuhsaje nk propa...
itu bole la aku nk hadap an nk dok dlm bilik sensorg...yg x bole blah nye bile kafe2 kt kolej ni pon habeh dok tutop sume...
haiyoo...aku nk mkn pon susa..kalo ade dapo ke kt dlm biik aku ni bole la jgak aku nk jdi chef wan kejap ke an??
ade x org boring sampai bernafas cmni??bole muat buah rambutan tu..huhuh

and one more reason why i wrote this entry is because i'm so d*** boring you know??
so sje jela nk berleter kt mate korg...
hahahmate...yela, coz right now, i'm not talking to you..i'm just  typing to you..huhuhu..jgn mara haaaa...
babai..salam.. MK..

korg sume jgn la buat rambot camni k??takot nnt kepale di belangkong kerana disangke ade hewan hinggap di kepala..huhuh..anda yg saket nnt..hee

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